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Eera event 12-14 October 2021 - Online

FAIRification put into practice - a joint workshop by EERAdata and the tJP Digitalization for Energy

EERAdata Roadmap

The EERAdata project is pleased to announce that its workshop No. 3 is co-organized with the EERA transversal Joint Programme Digitalisation for Energy (tJP DfE) as part of their annual conference. The workshop is structured as an online webinar and hackathon between 12 and 14 October 2021. Data interoperability and workflows are recurrent themes of all workshop sessions and they will also be addressed at this occasion.




  • Present activities of the tJP Digitalization for Energy - From FAIR data governance to AI applications and Exascale computing. 
  • Discuss and develop workflows for FAIR and open (simulation) data.
  • Synthesize community insights and formulate action points. 


Some items of the agenda are being finalized at the moment. To access the most recent version, please visit the EERAdata wiki.

Day 1: 12 October (afternoon) 14:00 - 17:00 CEST

  • Towards High-Performance Computing (HPC) and the FAIRification of energy data:
  • Who are the communities working on data governance, HPC, and AI applications?
  • What are current topics of interest?

Day 2: 13 October (morning) 09:00 - 12:30 CEST

  • [Continuation] Towards High-Performance Computing (HPC) and the FAIRification of energy data: 
  • Who are the communities working on data governance, HPC, and AI applications?
  • What are current topics of interest?
  • Insights from projects & presentations of use case examples

Day 2: 13 October (afternoon) 13:30 - 17:30 CEST

  • Parallel sessions
  • Topic 1: FAIR data challenges in Individual level data: Cases and evidences from H2020 Projects
  • Topic 2: FAIRIfication in practice: Discussing solutions for technical challenges - integrating standards, supporting workflows.
  • Plenary sessions
  • Collecting feedback from data users and stakeholders 
  • Conclusions for the EERAdata platform: Which FAIR data services and tools to offer? 

Day 3: 14 October (morning) 09:00 - 12:30 CEST 

  • Discussion across EERAdata use cases:
  • How to advance the state of FAIR in the EERAdata use cases?
  • What are the plans for uploading use cases demos to the European Open Science Cloud? 
  • Plenary and way forward 

 To participate in the workshop, please register to each of the days using the following links

Day 1: Register here

Day 2: Register here

Day 3: Register here

Practical information


12 Oct 2021 - 14 Oct 2021


2:00 PM - 12:30 PM


Maria Luisa Fernandez Vanoni