The report is part of the work the FAIR Metrics and Data Quality Task Force does to undertake a state of the art to understand measures of data quality, identify common features and dimensions to define an approach for EOSC.
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) FAIR Metrics and Data Quality Task Force invited EERAdata project to submit a use case based on low carbon energy. The request comes in as a recognition of the work done by EERAdata that have resulted in the publications “Towards FAIR and open data for low carbon energy - current state and call for action” and “FAIR Metadata Standards for Low Carbon Energy Research—A Review of Practices and How to Advance”.
The use case aims at giving the task force an overview of how different communities assess data quality and identify feature standards across disciplines when working on data quality.
These cases will be used to present a final report that will be submitted to the EOSC Association.
About EOSC
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) ambitions to develop a ‘Web of FAIR Data and services’ for science in Europe”. EOSC will be a multi-disciplinary environment where researchers can publish, find and re-use data, tools and services, enabling them to better conduct their work.
About FAIR metrics and Data Quality
The FAIR metrics and Data Quality Task Force will implement the proposed FAIR metrics for EOSC by assessing their applicability across research communities and testing a range of tools to enable uptake. Recommendations will be made to update metrics and adopt tools as appropriate. In addition, the group will undertake a state of the art to understand measures of data quality, conducting several case studies to identify common features and dimensions to define an approach for EOSC.